Farm Tender

Yarrawonga, Collinsville and New Armatree Ram sale results

This article is bought to you by Trigger Vale Sheep Studs and Brooke's Livestock Carriers.

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Ad - Trigger Vale Sheep Studs After a successful Sale, flock Rams are now available - Ad 
Ad - Brooke's Livestock Carriers - If you want someone to look after your valuable Sheep and Cattle then Brooke's are the ones - Ad

Yarrawonga Merino & Poll Merino Stud Ram Sale, NSW - 277/280 rams sold to $22000 (Lot 1 to Cottage Park Merino Stud, NSW) & av. $3087. Top price Poll Merino - Lot 2 to Oakbank Merino & Poll Merino Studs,


Collinsville Merinos Ram Sale, SA - Overall 251/251 rams sold av. $2048. 34/34 Merino rams sold to $31000 (Lot 1A to AG & GM Carmody, Mittakeri Stud, Kulin WA) & av. $2661 and 217/217 Poll Merino rams sold to $21000 (Lot 4 to Ward Partnership, Ungarie NSW) & av. $1952 VIC).


New Armatree Border Leicesters Ram Sale, NSW - 49/70 rams sold to $2100 & av. $1149.


Ad - Trigger Vale Sheep Studs After a successful Sale, flock Rams are now available - Ad
Ad - Brooke's Livestock Carriers - If you want someone to look after your valuable Sheep and Cattle then Brooke's are the ones - Ad

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