Farm Tender

The Farm Tender Hay Report – A lull in proceedings

A lull in proceedings

For the fortnight up to the 25th of February 2020.

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Gee, it's gone quiet on the Hay front. As reported by the sales guys below, sales are few and far between as parts of Queensland, and New South Wales enjoy a much-deserved drink.

There is a real want and need to get Hay and Straw, out of paddocks as the winter Cropping program draws closer. This has seen Farmers push the price for Straw right down.

The Australian Fodder Industry Association (AFIA) put out an excellent article on stacking Hay last week. You can read the article here.

Our sales team seem to think that demand might kick into gear again come late Autumn and Winter, but we don't think it is going back to the heady days we have experienced in the 24 months. 

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What's happened to Hay prices over the last fortnight?

Sales of Cereal Hay have been limited; it's currently trading for $250/mt or around that mark.

Vetch Hay has been selling from $350/mt to 365/mt while a couple of Lucerne parcels sold from $370/mt to $400/mt

Parcels of Clover and Rye Grass sold for $240/mt

There seems to be plenty of Straw around, and prices have been as low as $70/mt just to get the stuff out of the paddock

We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Sales people have to say:

Shane Ruyg - Queensland based
Shane said - A very quiet fortnight on the Hay and Straw job with very little moving at all due to the rain throughout NSW and Queensland. We are seeing a reduction in pricing with sellers wanting to move on their Hay and Straw before they start sowing again. As I said last fortnight, I can see the feed job kicking again as there is a long time between now and the next Hay season. With the colder months still to come, I am sure the buyers will be still looking for good protein Hay to get them through.

Paul Grayling - Mallee Vic based
Paul said - We have seen the Hay Job flat line after some good rain events around the country, particularly up North. Cereal Hay has dropped right away with some Oaten sneaking through as exporters still have demand. Vetch, Lucerne and other Higher Protein Hay have been ticking along a little better than the Cereal. I believe the job will fire up again, albeit at slighter lesser numbers but we are only in February and its still a long way to go until new season Hay hits the deck.

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Bonnie Kenner - North East Vic based
Bonnie said - The Hay market remains extremely quiet at the moment with a lot more sellers than buyers. Prices are starting to come back a bit for Cereal Hay and Straw. The majority of the Hay that is moving at the moment is Vetch and Lucerne, with prices varying depending on location.

Mike Pickard - Southern Queensland based
Mike said - Not much to report with Hay at present have shifted two loads of Straw at $70/mt in the last couple of days, otherwise zip inquiry. The only reason that went was because of the price, and the farmer wanted to remove it from the paddock  Been some really good rain in Central Western Queensland backing up from the previous falls with some flooding.

Catch you in a fortnight

Dwain Duxson - Farm Tender & DelayPay

For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or
Bonnie Kenner - 0488 789 012 or
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)

Need to buy something? Try DelayPay

Get payment terms for buyers and payment security for sellers - If you are keen to know more ring Dwain 0427 011 900 or Kelsey 0409 117 730

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