Farm Tender

Strong Sheep market in Ballarat this week

This article is bought to you by Trigger Vale Sheep Studs and Brooke's Livestock Carriers.

Yarding - 41,866 (+10,250).

Lambs - 27,887 (+5252).

Sheep - 8961 (+5018).

Lamb numbers increased to 27,887 yarded, the quality was excellent with plenty of top end weight on offer. All the usual buying group attended and operated in a firm to easier market to be 10c to 15c/kg back on last week's levels in places. The highlight of the sale was one pen of exceptional heavy lambs which sold for $250/head with an estimated weight of 36kg cwt. Limited young shorn lambs on offer sold from $136 to $176/head.

Ad - Trigger Vale Sheep Studs After a successful Sale, flock Rams are now available - Ad 
Ad - Brooke's Livestock Carriers - If you want someone to look after your valuable Sheep and Cattle then Brooke's are the ones - Ad

Light weight 2 score lambs 12-18kg sold from $123 to $155/head to average 750c/kg cwt. Light trade 2 and 3 score lambs, 18-22kg, sold from $135 to $173/head to average 735c/kg cwt. 3 and 4 score lambs, 22-24kg sold from $162 to $190/head, making from 687c to 783c to average 730c/kg cwt. Heavy 3 and 4 score lambs, 24-26kg sold from $183.5 to $203/head to average around 740c/kg cwt. Export lambs 26-30kg sold from $209 to $228/head to average 750c/kg cwt. Extra heavy export lambs over 30kg sold from $230 to $250/head to average around 715c/kg cwt. Hogget's sold from $114 to $180 for crossbred's and Merino's from $114 to $144/head.

Sheep numbers increased to 13,979 yarded the quality was plain to excellent, the offering had all weights covered from light sheep to very heavy. All the usual buying group attend and operated in a very strong market to be firm to dearer in places to have heavy crossbred sheep selling to $220 and heavy merino ewes to $201/head. Light weight 1 and 2 score sheep sold from $98 to $121 to average 595c/kg cwt with very light 1 score selling to $58/head. Medium weight 2 and 3 score sheep sold from $114 to $168/head making from 532c to 674c with merino mutton averaging around 620c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $150 to $201/head averaging 620c/kg, heavy crossbred sheep sold from $141 to $220/head to average around 570c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino wethers sold from $154 to $200 and medium weights sold from$124 to $158/head to average around 610c/kg cwt. Rams sold from $15 to $134 and Ram lambs sold from $79 to $161/head.

Ad - Trigger Vale Sheep Studs After a successful Sale, flock Rams are now available - Ad
Ad - Brooke's Livestock Carriers - If you want someone to look after your valuable Sheep and Cattle then Brooke's are the ones - Ad

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