Farm Tender

What's your side hustle? 

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By Dwain Duxson

What's your side hustle? - I know many of you would have a side hustle. Some of you may have even turned your side thing into the main game. 


I remember in my early 20's, I ran a Horse Agistment set up for a couple of the local Trainers. I just converted a few of the Farm Paddocks into Horse safe ones and added some shelters, borrowed some Oats and Hay, and away I went. I think at one stage, I had 30 Racehorses in at $5 a day. Not a bad little earner back then. It also taught me about invoicing and chasing money. Racehorse owners weren't the greatest payers, and when I gave it away, I had to write off a few as bad debts.


I think there is an opportunity in Farm tourism. You know, cabins in the paddock. We wrote about this a while ago as one of  the sleeping giants of Ag. I know a couple of families that started small Stockfeed businesses on the Farm. They are now very big Stockfeed businesses. I know others that do paddock to plate successfully. We have a family in my old town of Marnoo that run a business called Burrum Biodynamics that Grow, Harvest, and then packs, distributes, and sells Rolled Oats, Lentils, Flour, and Soup Mixes through a custom-built, food-grade sorting and packing plant on the Farm. 


Some do Horse Training on the side others are plumbers, chippies, builders, etc. But a big trend we see is in the reverse of what I am talking about above. People have businesses outside Ag, and their side hustle is Farming. Some call them Collins or Pitt Street Farmers. They call themselves Wannabee Farmers. What's your side hustle?


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