Treading water at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Sep 22, 2023
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Yarding - 60,000
Numbers lifted and quality was fair to very good. There were 17,600 new season lambs offered and despite being well finished plenty of pens were showing dryness, due to the hot week. Supermarkets and some key export companies were active with most wanting weight in their lambs. The tempo of the heavy export market was more upbeat however, new season trade lambs sold to weaker competition when carcass weight prices lifted above 500c/kg cwt.
Trade competition was infrequent and prices fluctuated with some companies not prepared to bid on. Young lambs 20 to 24kg made from $88 to $132 to average 513c/kg cwt. Old trade lambs sold to sporadic competition with, 20kg to 26kg selling from $44 to $116 /head. Light weight lambs to the processors ranged from $10 to $40/head. Merino lambs sold to varied price trends making from $10 to $88/head. New season store lambs attracted quite a few bidders with prices ranging from $54 to $90/head.
In the heavy export market weight attracted the strongest bidding with most export companies keen for a market share at the heavier end. Young lambs 26kg to 30kg sold at $133 to $150/head. Over the 30kg made from $150 to $158 to average 479c/kg cwt. Old heavy lambs gained $3 with the bulk selling from $110 to $170.
Mutton numbers declined and quality was either outstanding or on the plainer side, weighing under 24kg carcass weight. Heavy ewes gained $2 to $3/head. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $26 to $46 to average 84c to 103c/kg c/kg. Heavy cross bred ewes sold mostly to one major northern buyer making from $24 to $40 to average 103.8c/kg cwt. Trade sheep were mostly 2 score selling at $19 to $25 to average 101c/kg cwt.
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