Farm Tender

The return of the Oat

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By Dwain Duxson

The return of the Oat - Oats have dropped off the radar a bit compared to say 15 to 25 years ago. Things like Barley, Canola and Beans have taken over their mantle as a Crop with better margins. But the mighty Oat might be returning to the paddock to stake its claim.


So versatile. They are good for Stockfeed (more so Horses), Hay, Breakfast, and Grazing Crops, but the big trend is Oat Milk. The Latte sippers are going nuts over it, and yes, it's taking market share off Dairy, but it's keeping the $$$ in the Ag space.


When younger and cutting my teeth on the Farm, we grew a lot of Oats, itchy things, but if conditions were right, you could grow a 40-bagger (18 bags to the tonne). Our area (Marnoo, Vic) was conducive to growing Oats, but they drifted out of favour.


We're not sure how big the Oat Milk market is, or how big it can get, or how many Oats it takes to make a litre. So we're unsure whether it will have an effect on the price and how much is planted, but if the consumer likes it, then we are declaring that the "Oat" is back. Bloody Oats we are...


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