Price correction for Lambs at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Jun 02, 2023
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Yarding - 43,000
Numbers lifted moderately. Quality continues to be mixed however there were plenty of grain finished lambs on offer. At the commencement of the sale prices dipped $20 to $30/head. The new price level meant competition was solid over all classes. Not all key supermarkets or exporters made it to the sale
Trade competition rallied when prices remained under 550c/kg cwt. Trade lambs 21kg to 24kg averaged 497c to 530c/kg carcass weight. Lambs 25kg to 26kg felt the brunt of the cheaper trend making from $130 to $158/head. Store lambs with some weight and frame made from $72 to $102/head. Feeder lambs topped at $130/head.
In the heavy export market weight was determining price outcomes, with stronger bidding taking place over 30kg cwt. The bulk of the heavy export lambs were $21 to $30/head cheaper. Lambs 26kg to 30kg sold at $140 to $183/head. Over the 30kg cwt topped at $212 to average 546c/kg cwt.
The sheep market struggled to find buyers with a northern processors leading the way. Stronger competition from one processors on heavy sheep held other buyers out of the market. Heavy sheep sold from $90 to $155, while trade sheep made from $70 to $88/head averaging 339 to 366c/kg cwt. Rams sold from $3 to $40.
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