Farm Tender


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Our guest columnist today is Kate Burke, author of "CROPS, People, MONEY and You", and Agriculture pragmatist (she gets it). You can visit her website, Think Agri, here.


Perspective - This week at golf, we teed off the blue tees, traditionally the "men's tees". I saw the course in a whole new light compared to my usual green tee perspective.


I find that Farm families and team members who can see each other's perspective don't waste time trying to be the one who's right. They reach decisions much quicker and get things done on time. On the other hand, when each person is welded to their own perspective and unwilling to budge, non-decision making can plague the business for years.


Part of my role in Family Farm strategy work is to chisel off the welding and encourage individuals to see the other perspective. Sometimes we get there, and sometimes we don't.


When we do, the results for the family, the business and the team are amazing, happy, productive and profitable people.


End of message