Farm Tender

Mallee success theory perhaps?

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By Dwain Duxson

Mallee success theory perhaps? - Have a think about this, especially if you Farm in a Mallee area. One Farmer said to me last week, "where you see Mallee trees, the rainfall is usually matched to the soil type". 


So the way I read it was that the Mallee areas are lower rainfall country, but the soils have the ability to hold moisture better. I know there are heavier soils in some Mallee areas, which might put his theory to the test a little. What do you reckon?


We have written before about the Mallee areas and how Farming has adapted from Cultivation and Fallow through to minimal disturbance and the ability to conserve moisture. Those learnt skills have transformed the Mallee into what it is today, relatively reliable Cropping country.


I'd argue that taking some of the Sheep out of the system has aided in transferring the Mallee. Sheep can suit an area, but sometimes the area doesn't suit Sheep. I would say the Mallee is one of those spots. The reason? The constant trampling of hooves can mess with the top of these lighter and more fragile soils. Anyway, I would be interested to see what Mallee Farmer's think of old mate's statement. Perhaps you might think it's all BS....


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