Farm Tender

It's not straight mate

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By Dwain Duxson

It's not straight mate - Are you old enough to remember the days when you had to steer the Tractor around the paddock sowing with the Combine? I bet many of you can.


I remember it well. It was a real skill for some who would take great pride in driving straight, and others, well, they had a reputation in the district for the opposite. Taking over from the crocked drivers was a nightmare as you had to get the line back on track. Driving straight was even more important when you were in the paddock against the road because your peers would be judging you, and you would be the butt of all jokes in the pub. 


When you got a bit out of whack, you would try and correct it, and it might take a lap or two to get back on course. Sometimes, you would overcorrect and end up in a bit of a mess. It was tougher at night, and if it was foggy or dusty, you would sometimes lose your line. That's when things really started to unravel when you couldn't find your line. Sometimes, you would get a Tractor that was a bit loose in the steering and would have a mind of its own. 


How would it be these days when we are always looking at our phones? Those distractions would take your focus, which can lead to errors. I remember getting angry with myself if I stuffed a line up. On a scale of 1 to 10, how did you rate your straight-line driving? I reckon I was a 7.....


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