Farm Tender

Improvements across all categories at Wagga Wagga

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Yarding - 29,000


The market showed improvements over most categories, with processors eager to secure numbers . Prices in general improved $8 to $15, despite a key supermarket and export company absent from the sale. Quality was mixed however, there were still plenty of well finished grain assisted lambs. There was less weight in the yarding which contributed to stronger bidding for all heavy lambs. Trade competition improved noticeably with recently shorn lambs paid premium prices.

Trade lambs 21kg to 26kg sold from $118 to $150 to average 600c/kg cwt. Light weight lambs to the processors ranged from $31 to $92/head. Merino lambs sold from $95 to $128/head. Lambs returning to the paddock sold to a small field of buyers, selling at $40 to $103/head. In the heavy export sale weight continued to be the market driver. The bulk of the heavy export lambs sold up to $10 dearer. Lambs 26kg to 30kg sold at $146 to $176/head. Over the 30kg made from $169 to $198/head to average 540c/kg cwt.

A small field of buyers operated in the mutton sale, with not all major processors operating. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $90 to $136/head. Heavy Crossbred ewes made from $90 to $124/head. Trade sheep with cover averaged 320c to 374c/kg.