Farm Tender

First pen of Suckers at Bendigo

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Yarding - 8,980


Modest lift in lamb numbers to 7200 head, up 1000. More heavy fed lambs were offered compared to a week ago, however the overall yarding remained fairly plain and showing the affects of winter. In a repeat of recent weeks not all buyers operated fully, the positive being more activity from a key domestic order. Prices were cheaper, but noting Bendigo was one of the stronger performing sales early last week before the market dropped away. The best export lambs were around $5 easier, while other categories lost $10 and more. An estimated range of 470c to 520c/kg covered most of the better slaughter lambs, which means the sale was no worse than the rates being quoted at several markets late last week. This Bendigo sale had its first pen of new season lambs, the small lot estimated at 21-22kg cwt and selling for $126.

Heavy export lambs $140 to a top of $174 for fed lambs in excess of 36kg cwt. Just six pens sold above $160/head. Heavy lambs, 26-30kg cwt, $124 to $147 and heavy trades $124 to $140. The general run of medium trades $100 to $125, but there was pens that lacked fat cover or in untidy skins which were pulled below $100. Competition for light lambs remains fickle and the price spread was $13 to $80 over most. Sheep supply nearly doubled off a low base to 3350 head.

Mutton was cheaper across all weights and grades. Heavy crossbred ewes $60 to $108 and Merino wethers to $100. General run of sheep $40 to $75 at an estimated 220-280c/kg cwt. A restocker purchased some Dorper ewes.