Farm Tender

Every Farm needs a Dave

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By Dwain Duxson

Every Farm needs a Dave - I remember growing up on the Farm, and we always employed 1 or 2 staff helping us. These guys were part of the family. I remember Bruce, who would have worked at "Glendemar" for 25 years, maybe longer and Jack before him, who could have been there for 20 years. Many other Farms in the district also had quality, long-term staff. 


When I was working on the Farm, I was doing a little share Farming on the side, and we had this guy called Dave Smith who had to drive the Tractor and Combine one night. We weren't expecting him to finish the job, but he did, and I was instantly impressed. 


We needed a new worker at the Farm at the time, so I offered him a job, that was back in 1996. And guess what? Dave is still there 27 years on, working alongside my brother Ben and Father Ken. Some would say he runs the show.....


What makes Dave great? He's a good bloke, for starters. He is a great family man. He's super loyal. He doesn't worry about time, the jobs just get done. I don't think any of us have had an argument with him to date, even though he has strong opinions, and you wouldn't want to get on his bad side. He is super reliable, which means when you go away, you don't have to worry. There are more. He has started a business with his family, which is great, and is now on 4 days at the Farm. I am sure Ben and Ken would agree with me in saying we have been very lucky when it comes to Farm staff. Every Farm needs a Dave....


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