Farm Tender

Dull market at Bendigo

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Yarding - 10,350

Smaller yarding of 8600 lambs and just 1700 sheep, influenced by the cheaper prices of the past week and also impending rain. Quality was plainer with not as much weight or finish available in the lamb run. Once again not all domestic and export buyers were fully active. Heavy lambs with weight hit a dull market, with prices for lambs over 26kg cwt falling by $5 to $20/head. The neatest trade lambs, 22-24kg cwt, were firm to $4 dearer, however secondary lots lacking fat cover or in long untidy skins were cheaper. Light lambs under 20kg cwt often recorded stronger c/kg averages as the market for these types held up reasonably well considering the price cuts for heavier types.

There was a significant cut in export lamb supply to less than 500 head however this still couldn’t support the market. Lambs over 30kg cwt $176 to a top of $206, the price spread influenced by when one export buyer could operate. The heavy 26-30kg cwt lambs $159 to $185. Best trade lambs, 22-24kg cwt, $133 to $159, but plainer types lacking fat cover down to $112. The estimated cost for trade and heavy lambs to processors was 530c to 620c/kg cwt, with most weight and grade categories recording averages below the $6kg mark. Light lambs showing reasonable quality $50 to $110, with the most secondary below $20 at times. The Merino lambs penned were mostly trade and light types which went from $30 to $118, just a few sales of heavier types to $163.

Sheep were cheaper on limited quotes.