Farm Tender

Dearer all round at Wagga Wagga

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Yarding - 49,150


Lamb numbers fell and the quality was good. There were some light lambs but the bulk were well finished heavy and extra heavy old lambs. The trade weights were mixed in quality. Around 5000 new season lambs were penned and there was a mixed of store lambs and very good trade and heavy trade weights offered. The new season lambs lifted $8 to $10 on the trade weights and old lambs were $15 to $20 dearer on the light secondary lambs and the heavy and extra heavy weights. With mixed runs of trade weights prices were close to firm.


Light new season lambs sold from $58 to $90/head. trade weights $114 to $135 and the heavy lambs $138 to $150/head averaging 540c to 560c/kg cwt.


Old 2 score processing lambs to 18kg sold from $42 to $88/head. Light trades sold from $88 to $117/head. Trade weights 22 to 24kg ranged from $116 to $127 and the 24 to 26kg $120 to $148/head to averaged between 480c and 530c/kg cwt. Heavy weights to 30kg ranged from $128 to $163/head or 515c/kg cwt on average and extra heavy lambs reached $178/head. The best of the heavy hoggets reached $110/head.


Mutton numbers eased and the quality was again mixed but there was a large percentage of heavy weights. Prices were dearer on the medium and heavy weights in 3 and 4 score condition. Medium weights $40 to $64/head. Heavy crossbreds sold from $60 to $106 and heavy Merinos reached $105/head.