Competition fluctuated at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Jun 16, 2023
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Numbers were similar. Quality continues to be mixed however there were plenty of grain finished lambs on offer across heavy and extra heavy categories. Competition fluctuated, with recently shorn lambs attracting the strongest bidding. It was quite noticeable that buyers pulled back on longer wool lambs. Not all key supermarkets or exporters made it to the sale.
Trade competition rallied when lambs were offered in a very short skin. Trade lambs 22kg to 24kg topped at $160 to average 605c/kg carcass weight. Lambs 25kg to 26kg softened $7 despite feedlot competition. Store lambs with some weight and frame made from $70 to $128/head. Feeder lambs topped at $160/head.
In the heavy export market weight was influential in prices given. The bulk of the heavy export lambs were $10/head cheaper. Lambs 26kg to 30kg sold at $151 to $190/head. Over the 30kg cwt topped at $224 easing $13 to average 608c/kg cwt.
The sheep market had a very small gallery of processors in attendance, with a northern processors dominating. Stronger competition from one processors on heavy sheep held other buyers out of the market. Heavy sheep sold from $102 to $163, while trade sheep made from $74 to $102/head.
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