Farm Tender

Communication is a learnt behaviour

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By Dwain Duxson

Communication is a learnt behaviour - A topic we covered last week on a few occasions was servicing customers. Some feedback we got was that there was a lack of decent customer service amongst some third-party service providers in Ag. 


And when I mean customer service, it could be as simple as answering the phone, replying to a text message or calling back. One Wimmera Farmer said, "The great thing nowadays, if you are ok at your job, turn up and ring a client back, you are actually exceptional".


So what I think he means by that is, an exceptional service offering from someone these days is as simple as consistently answering the phone or getting back to someone. So in this current day and age, as a person working in business, if you're disciplined at doing these simple things, you will win business off others.


If you're a young bloke, start focussing on this trait, or if you have been in Ag for a while and know you're not great at it, it would be in your interest to try and get better. Farmers are very loyal and sometimes very forgiving, but there does come a time when they will uproot their business and head elsewhere. Over the past week, Farmers have named businesses that service well and ones that don't. It's becoming more of an important consideration these days. Communication is a learnt behaviour. You can do it. 


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