Farm Tender

Mecardo Analysis - Weekly Wool Forwards – week ending 19th October 2018

By Nathan Denny | Source: Mecardo, Riemann.

This week showed a few trades on 18 and 21 micron fibres. Trades were down this week with a total of seven contracts being traded. The Aussie dollar remained fairly steady this week staying at favourable levels for overseas buyers

The wool forward curve is relatively flat up until June next year as buyers and sellers see what kind of activity the next few weeks bring relative to supply and demand.

In the fine wool category, 18 micron wool traded at 2,470¢ for November and 2,450¢ for December 2018.

21 micron fibres traded at 2,200¢, 2,180¢, 2190¢ and 2240¢ for November and 2185¢ for December 2018

2018-10-19 Wwf Fig 1

No minimum price contracts were traded this week.