Farm Tender

Forward order your big ticket Machinery items - Case IH

Planning for the future requires forward thinking, particularly when that planning involves big ticket items like new tractors and combines.​

Forward ordering has both practical and financial benefits, giving producers additional flexibility in planning for the future and ensuring they take delivery of equipment that’s tailor-made for their business’ needs.  

For Matthew Davey, a sixth generation farmer from Clinton Centre, on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula, forward ordering is the way to go. Matthew farms alongside his father, John, and brother James, running a continuous cropping operation that includes wheat and lentils, as well as canola, chick peas and barley.

Back in 2011 the Davey family was looking to purchase a new tractor for their farming operation and, with the help of Case IH dealer Larwoods Ag Services, were shown the benefits of a customised forward order.

“We already knew eventually we wanted to get a bigger spray cart so we knew we would need a bigger tractor,” Matthew said.

“We sat down with Scott Mercer from Larwoods and went through everything that we were looking for in a tractor, which was basically something a lot bigger than what we had, because the big thing on our farm is looking ahead and working out where you want to go.”

Several months later, in 2012, the Davey family took delivery of their specially-ordered Case IH tractor, a Magnum 260, custom-fitted with the likes of three-point linkage, hydraulic trailer brakes, a loader, tyres to accommodate the loader, six hydraulic remotes and an electric joystick.  

The Daveys’ second Case IH tractor was a Steiger 450 straight from the yard, and while Matthew says it was a great tractor, without the tailoring of a forward order, it was only a few years before they were looking to trade it in, this time on a new forward-ordered Steiger with the specifications to suit their needs.

“When we had the Steiger 450 we looked at getting the PTO (Power Take-Off) and the three-point linkage put on and it’s definitely more cost-effective to get it done as a forward order,” Matthew said.​
Benefits of thinking ahead with a Case IH forward order

​After attending a Ride and Drive day at Larwoods where they were able to get behind the wheel of a new Steiger Quadtrac, the Daveys asked for a quote on a new Steiger.
“We were interested in a Steiger Rowtrac 500 and we went through the options of what we wanted,” Matthew said. “We wanted 24-inch tracks because that was going to match up with our Magnum, trailer brakes, cab suspension, three-point linkage, PTO, dual hydraulic motors and pumps, and they came back with a price that was too good to say no to.”

The Daveys took delivery of their Steiger Rowtrac 500 in April last year and Matthew says the wait for a forward order is worth it.

“Six weeks from when it’s built to have it delivered to Australia and then the build time before that. As long as you are getting what you want, we are very prepared to wait,” he said.

Pete McCann, Case IH Marketing Manager Australia/New Zealand, says there are big benefits in forward ordering, from getting the tractor you want with the features you need, to the ability to lock in the price and finance rate.

“There are a range of features customers can choose from, including PTO, LED lighting, increased flexion tyres, a suspended MFD axle, AFS Complete, CVT transmission, an engine compression brake and six remotes,” he said.

“Orders are locked in at today’s prices, so Case IH customers know they’re always getting the best deal available. It’s also worthwhile talking to your dealer about the timing of your purchase, so the first repayment falls at a time that’s best for you; for example when you sell your grain. And, when you know what your repayments will be at the time you order your machine, you can forward plan your cash flow.”

The benefits are obvious, according to Matthew, including increasing the longevity of the tractor.

“We have no plans to upgrade at this stage, because it’s set up the way we want. We’ve customised a tractor we are happy with and that suits our needs.”

To find out more, see your local Case IH dealer or visit the Case IH website at