Farm Tender

What's your insurance cost?

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By Dwain Duxson

What's your insurance cost? - Has the cost of insurance become out of reach? Will you start dropping off bits and pieces? Will you look at your historical data and work out whether some of the things you insure are necessary?


The person who used to own our Farm here is always talking about fires and fire prevention. He went to levels I have never seen anyone go to before. I asked him, when was the last Fire around here, Alex? 1960, he said. So he worries himself silly about a fire that might happen once in 60 years.


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I'm not complacent, but it seems a bit silly to go to the levels he goes to. But the point I am trying to make is whether we should be bothered ensuring something that hardly ever happens? Put aside Murphy's Law, but imagine the savings.


Our Farm Insurance has doubled from last year. Admittedly, I added a couple of extra things, but it would have gone up 60-70 percent on last years anyway. At nearly $10,000 for a Farm that's 120 acres, I would hate to think that you guys are paying. Would you be game to drop some of your insurance off? If so, what? Reply to


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