Farm Tender

Unlocking Phosphorus for the Future


Listen to the podcast here.

When it comes to phosphorus-- the second most prominent fertilizer component– a big problem today is that it is simultaneously too rare on earth overall and too abundant in the landscapes where it's used. The vast majority of the world’s phosphorus reserves are found in just two countries, Morocco and China. And phosphorus runoff, largely originating from agricultural uses, leads to toxic algal blooms (and associated greenhouse gas emissions) all over the world. 

Hunter Swisher, founder and CEO of Phospholutions, hopes that his technology offers a piece of the solution to this problem: enhancing phosphorus use efficiency. The team at Phospholutions has been working on their fertilizer additive product since they spun out of Penn State in 2016, and have been filing patents and winning pitch competitions ever since.

In this episode, Hunter speaks about:

  • The science behind their phosphorus solution, and the unique challenges that P poses to innovators 
  • The Phospholutions’ business model, which focuses on enhancing existing manufacturers and supply chains
  • Where conflicting incentives create challenges for new entrants to the fertilizer space, and how shifting market conditions might create opportunities in the future