Some growing trends
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Farm Tender, DelayPay & Farm Inputs
- Feb 17, 2023
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Check out this speaker list - Chris Howie, Peter Law, Danny Thomas, Nigel Kerin, Prof Richard Eckard, Jess Cavanagh, Jeremy Hutchings, Neville Brady, Vic Dohle, and Jeff McDonald. All these speakers will deliver so many takeaways for Farmers. The event is "The Business of Farming". Friday, March 3rd, 2023 in Bendigo, Victoria. For an agenda and to buy tickets, click here. See the flyer below.
By Dwain Duxson
Some growing trends -- The trends we do each day are usually what's happening right at this minute. But on the Farm Tender site, we are noticing some niche trends, longer-term trends, and areas where we are gaining some momentum. Pasture and Grain Seed has always been pretty popular, but it seems to have gone to the next level this year.
Vetch Seed has been a standout. Feed Grain like Lupins, Beans and Feed Barley has been growing in stature lately, mainly to the Sheep Farmers.
Vehicles, especially Utes, have been a growing trend over the last 12 months. We seem to be finding a niche in that Farm Ute market. Farm Trucks are also growing. We wrote about it a few weeks ago how the Tray Truck is making a comeback. International Accos are leading the way.
Tractors have always been good to us, but we are getting more access to the low-hour, later model and higher horsepower units. It's gone to a new level again in the last 2 months. Similar with Headers.
We have always struggled in the Livestock category, although we have had success selling surplus Rams and Bulls from outside the Auctions sales. There might be a change or two in the wind for Livestock. Watch this space.
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