Slip slip sliding away at Bendigo
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Sep 17, 2024
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Yarding - 24,000
Lamb Numbers increased to 14,450 penned including 9,200 new season’s lambs. Quality ranged from plain to very good. All the usual buying ground attended, not all were fully active in a softer market to a week ago. New season trade weighs and heavy lambs sold to a top of $255 to average from 790c to 865c/kg cwt, slipping $10 to $15/head and more in places.
The quality was very mixed over the old lambs selling to $280 for the heavy exports, with heavy trades and export averaged 720c to 760c and lighter plainer lambs averaged 550c to 700c/kg cwt. Store buyers were active and paid $38 to $190/head for lambs back to the paddock and to feed on. Light trade lambs under 18kg sold from $55 to $158/head. Trade lambs 18 to 22kg sold from $145 to $185, lambs 22 to 26kg sold $177 to $235/head, with an average range of 785 to 865c/kg cwt. Heavy export lambs 26 to 30kg made from $226 to $255/head to average 860c/kg cwt.
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Old lambs made from $196 to $280 for the heavy export over 26kg, trade weights 20 to 26kg sold from $137 to $180/head. Light weights 16 to 20kg made from 75 to 138/head. Merino lambs made from $66 to $186/head. Hoggets sold from $100 to $164 for the crossbreds and $49 to $154/head for the Merino’s.
Mutton numbers dropped with 8,500 penned, buyers were on the rail but lacked bidding intensity, over the yarding sales slipped $5 to $12/head. Merino wethers selling from $36 to $76 for the light weights and $80 to $120/head for the heavier weights. Light weight Merino Ewes made from $26 to $79/head. The heavier weights made from $76 to $98. Heavy crossbred mutton made from $56 to $96/head.
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