Farm Tender

Sheep shine at Wagga Wagga

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Yarding - 56,000

Numbers lifted moderately. Quality was fair to good. However buyers discounted longer wool lambs severely and off types in shorter skins. The market struggled to find a base prices over all categories, with key supermarkets and exporters either not operating or only buying sporadically. The patchy demand caused huge price variations as significant price corrections appeared in each agents sale. It was common to see $20 price drops on longer wool lambs.

Trade sold to weak demand with feedback from buyers suggesting price resistance at the shop counter, Trade lambs sold $15 cheaper 20 to 24kg selling from $112 to $170/head to average 652c/kg carcass weight. It was more of the same in the heavy export lambs, with buyers walking away not prepared to chase the market. Prices declined $10 to $11/head. Lambs 26 to 30kg sold from $173 to $215 over 30kg made from $206 to $255/head to average 680c/kg cwt.

It was a mixed yarding of mutton, however there were some excellent runs of heavy Merino sheep and cross bred ewes. Buyers upped the ante for heavy sheep with two major processors clashing on all heavy pens. Heavy sheep sold from $135 to $189/head. Trade sheep made from $77 to $148/head.