Farm Tender

Robotic Dairy's - Why haven't they taken off

I read now they are about to commercially release an automated picker for Oranges, Apples, Pear and the like and it got me thinking about Automated milking.

Robotics Dairies have been around for a while but haven't really taken off. Is the investment out of the reach of most Dairy Farmers? Are the too slow? Do you really need the same amount of labour anyway?

Apparently, there are around 40 Robotic Dairys in place on Australian Dairies Farms milking around an average of 250 cows each.

Testing done by the University of Sydney Dairy Research Foundation say cows were quieter when milked in the automated system. They found that cows stress levels reduced once converted from a human operated system to an automated one.

So in this world where autonomous vehicle articles dominate the tech and business pages, the reality is that these technologies will take longer than we think to implement.

We would be interested in your opinions on Robotic Dairies.