Farm Tender

Quality dominated an erratic market at Ballarat

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Yarding: 46,190

Quality was again dominated by lighter store types with heavy well finished lambs still in limited supply but more weight was offered this week. All the usual buyers were present and extra store competition present, the market started firm on last week but bidding was erratic at times bouncing depending on weight and quality. Shorn lambs with good finish are in high demand. Light trade sold mostly firm, medium and heavy trade slipped $5 for the secondary types and gained $5 to $10/head for the well finished short skins. Heavy export lambs sold to a top of $298 for short skins to be $15/head dearer to a week ago but more weight was offered.

Store buyers were again active in the market paying $39 to $132 for lambs under 18kg mostly firm to a few dollars cheaper and over 18kg made from $137 to $175/head selling to $20/head dearer, but buyers were stepping up in weight categories. Lambs sold to the trade under 18kg from $97 to $158, lambs 18 to 24kg made from $133 to $205/head. Heavy lambs 24 to 26kg made from $200 to $230 and heavy export lambs 26kg and over sold from $213 to $298/kg. Lambs with good finish over 24kg had an average range of 810c to 860c and secondary types lacking finish ranged anywhere from 660c to 780c/kg cwt.

Sheep market opened softer, ending $15 to $20 cheaper as bidding lacked any intensity. Merino wethers made from $85 to 104/head. Heaviest Merino ewes sold from $62 to $102 and heavy crossbred mutton made $85 to $134/head

138 Caverndale Farming, Blowhard $296
80 PD, JL, & ML Wrigley, Tourello $289
49 LT & TL Rowe, Sutherlands Creek $280
56 TJ & LK Morrison, Sale $272
82 Lachlan Wrigley, Coghills Creek $270
125 JD & RA Alexander, Kaniva $267
90 LF Fitzpatrick, Newlyn $267
56 D & C Petschel, Rainbow $261
27 Joyce & Knight, Tatyoon $243
39 S & T Hawker, Lillicur $236
51 Gusdale Land, Dunach $235
112 GJ & SL Wardlaw, Avoca $216
72 R Jackson, Moyston $208
43 Brentwood Farming P/L, Porcupine Ridge $208
98 Mills Trading, Natte Yallock $205
49 GP & JM Bruty P/L, Snake Valley $196
32 Erinsvale, Gordon $245
54 Wrightson Seeds, Leigh Creek $240
59 GJ & SL Wardlaw, Avoca $235
62 RJ & DM Wardlaw, Avoca $232
80 ML & LT Wardlaw, Avoca $230
45 K Allison, Haddon $230
36 MT & CP Mullane, Ballan $227
25 I & R Hengstberger, Dumbalk Nth $226
62 KJ Moore, Creswick $224
53 DJ & DM Ryan, Rokewood $222
34 RT & ME Johnstone, Omeo $220
63 McConachy Farm, Lismore $216
48 Tandarra Holdings, Vite Vite $210
46 Eagle Plains Pastoral, Duverney $210
10 Gusdale Land, Dunach $210
35 Wrightson Seeds, Leigh Creek $200
26 H & B Klingler, Strezlecki $199
46 IG & FE Sharpe, Willowvale $130
36 GP Corbett, Skipton $126
52 M & R Russell, Caramut $125
70 CA & TM McKenzie, Timboon $124
72 DR & RL McDonald, Lismore $122
39 RG & EA McDonald, Lismore $122
33 R & E Dunn, Brewster $121
18 D & J Blackshaw, Thorpdale $120
13 BR, SM & BS White, Duverney   $120
57 Lloyd Family Trust, Mt Wallace $116
71 J & B Hamilton, Vite Vite $115
52 P & J Dridan, Mt Lonarch $115
60 PM & RM Dooley, Warncoort $110
54 A & L Eldridge, Darlington $110
30 SM & HI Wilsher, Freswater Creek $110
70 A & D Pitcher, Mt Emu $106
80 Mt Cavern Estate, Ascot $93
39 NJ & WM  Ead, Talbot $90
23 KF & AG Dean, Tambo Crossing $88
75 MG & JA Brennan, Langi Logan $84
246 GF & B Simpson,  Winjallok $104
50 A & K McErvale, Waterloo $103