Nice little change up at Bendigo
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Oct 01, 2024
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Yarding - 22,130
Firm to dearer market across all lamb and sheep categories. It came as quality improved across a smaller yarding of 13,880 lambs, with the new season stock handling better and showing more carcass finish and freshness compared to a week ago. Keen demand from a major domestic processor plus one southern exporter led the market into dearer territory, and some other buyers weren’t able to fill orders as the good quality young lambs trended above 800c/kg cwt. The other notable element of the sale was increasing store demand which boosted rates for lighter weight stock under 20kg cwt, some pens of young lambs to the paddock quoted as up to $15 dearer than a week ago. Agents from Ballarat, Albury, Yarrawonga and the local north-east area were active on suitable light lambs.
All agents are now leading their runs with young lambs and prices reached a top of $270 for a small pen of export weights estimated at 32kg cwt. The next best price was $256 and then $245/head. Most of the lead young lambs in a range of 24-28kg cwt made from $200 to $240/head, to average between 800c to 820c/kg after some pens pushed into the high 800c/kg price territory. Once off the lead laneways there was more price play in the medium trades around 21-24kg cwt which sold from $160 to $190/head and these categories averaged between 760c to 800c/kg cwt. Putting a good floor in the market for lighter weight lambs was restockers, with bigger framed store lambs in the 18-20kg cwt range from $140 to $158/head followed by $70 to $130/head for small lambs to the paddock.
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Any well presented old season lambs were dearer at a ballpark cost of 760c to 800c/kg cwt, or $180 to $245/head for the better pens. Lesser rates were paid for rough clean-up lots.
In the sheep run good mutton consistently made from 300c to 370c/kg cwt. Heaviest crossbred ewes $90 to $113/head; heavy Merino wethers to $117 and ewes to $109. The majority of sheep sold from $50 to $90/head.
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