Farm Tender

NFF Conference Report Card

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By Dwain Duxson

NFF Conference Report Card - Basically, it wasn't grass rootsy enough for me, so I am going to be slightly critical. It was all about sponsors, selfies and see ya laters. I keep asking myself, why aren't Farmers at these types of events, and then I tell myself, I'm glad they didn't come because they would be bored.


Sponsors - Once again, it took up an estimated 60 percent of the speaking time. Pushing products does not make for interesting listening. Selfies - I lost count of the number of participants who posted a selfie on social media with either/or a politician, an outgoing or incoming NFF president, or a couple of famous analysts (one with a long beard) who were present. See ya laters - I have never seen so much admiration for a person in a senior role than Fiona Simson. She has certainly been a very popular leader, and people obviously think she is wonderful. But has she shifted the needle? If you look at the things we are fighting now, Live Exports, Water buy-backs, Energy projects, Methane accusations, and Cultural Heritage Laws, some of these things were initiated under her watch, and now we are in a battle up to our neck to fend off these anti Farming policies.


I think in the past, the NFF has ogled around the coat-tail level of the politicians and never taken them to task. 


The future is positive, I think. If David Jochinke's opening speech is anything to go by, then finally, the NFF will fight any anti-Farming policies presented by the government. I hope David sticks to his word because we need a much stronger industry body representing us against Agricultural ministers who don't know or support Agriculture. Would anyone like to add to or challenge these thoughts? Reply to


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