Mutton was the highlight at Bendigo
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Apr 18, 2023
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Yarding - 14,950
Smaller yarding of both lambs and sheep after the Easter break. The pattern of the sale having a reasonable run of fed lambs before quality quickly dropped off continued. The two major supermarkets remained absent, with all the other regular buyers operating. Heavy lamb prices did drift down from the stronger pre-Easter market for a spread of 660c to 750c/kg, although all the major fat score 3 and 4 crossbred categories still hung-on to averages of just over 700c/kg cwt. Prices for the best trade lambs improved slightly amid limited numbers, while results for light lambs varied on quality. There was dearer sales of small store lambs to the paddock provided they were well bred and in decent lines.
Export lambs over 30kg cwt from $215 to a top of $242 to av $228 at a ballpark cost of 720c/kg cwt. Heavy 26-30kg lambs $175 to $229 to average $204 at around 705c/kg. Lot of trade lambs from $140 to $175 for results of 680c to 710c/kg. Light lambs mostly $100 to $140. Restockers paid to $148 for lean trade lambs needing more finishing, and from $70 to $120 for smaller types.
Mutton was the highlight with a few exporters pushing for numbers. A line of outstanding shorn Merino wethers estimated at 33kg cwt sold for $191 in a much dearer result. Big crossbred ewes $130 to $171 and Merino ewes in a skin to $174. Good mutton mostly 430c to 480c with occasional pens selling above 500c/kg cwt.
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