Farm Tender

Market trend continues at Wagga Wagga

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Yarding - 47,000


Numbers were similar and quality lifted for trade and heavy lambs. Improving weather conditions has intensified fly strike problems pushing, more secondary lambs into the market. The restricted buyer demand meant price drops of $15 to $30/head.

Buyers attention was on shorn young lambs, however prices retreated notably. The tops of the trade lambs were $20 cheaper to average around 750c to 790c/kg cwt. 21 to 24kg sold from $155 to $178/head. Store lambs dipped $10 to $15 making from $40 to $142/head.

Extra heavy young lambs sold to a small group of exporters resulting in prices falls of $15 to $30/head. Lambs 27kg to 30kg sold from $191 to $223/head. Young lambs over 30kg cwt sold at $223 to $256/head. It was a fair to good quality sheep offering.

Less buyers operated in the sheep sale with mutton for trade and heavy mutton averaging 300c to 330c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred ewes sold from $100 to $130, with a single pen making $140/head. Trade sheep sold to notably weaker bidding selling at $50 to $95/head. Leann Dax, Market Reporter.