Farm Tender

Market lacked drive at Wagga Wagga

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Yarding - 48,000


Lamb numbers increased notably on the back of last week’s dearer market. Dry conditions are also affecting producers’ choices with some plainer trade lambs offloaded. Quality was fair to good, except for light lambs which had quite a tail in the offering. Well finished Extra heavy lambs where well supplied Trade lambs were in reasonable numbers however there was a significant number of trade types lacking finish. There were less export and domestic buyers at the rail. The market lacked drive and most buyers were not interested in chasing the market.

Price variations based on quality crept into the market which caused price fluctuations. Lambs 21 to 24kg sold $12 cheaper selling from $188 to $200/head to average 805c/kg cwt. Merino lambs sold to weak demand selling at $105 to $179/head. There was a mixed selection of young lambs suitable for restockers and lot feeders. Feedlot buyers paid to a top price of $212 while lambs returning to the paddock sold to weak competition selling from $80 to $174/head.

Extra heavy lambs over 30kg carcass weight were well supplied and competition was erratic at times and not all major export companies operating fully. Big heavy lambs 30kg carcass weight plus sold $12 cheaper to $297/head to average 732c/kg cwt. Lambs 26 to 30kg eased $4 selling from $200 to $237/head averaging 760c/kg cwt.

It was a very mixed quality yarding of mutton that was offered to a small field of buyers. Heavy ewe mutton sold to steady demand averaging 554c/kg cwt. Trade sheep were well supplied and buying competition was erratic. Trade sheep averaged 503c to 583c/kg