Farm Tender

Light Lamb lift at Wagga Wagga

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Yarding - 40,000

Numbers declined significantly. Prices were again tested for trade and heavy lambs, with bidding becoming erratic as the sale progressed. Most buyers did not operate to capacity across trade and export categories, reporting they had plenty of contract lambs and direct to works on hand. Where the market showed improvement were for light lambs, with lifts of $30 to $50/head common.

Prices trends varied across trade categories. The mixed quality and buyer participation from both domestic and export buyers was patchy throughout the sale. Well-shaped pens of 22-24kg trade lambs were unchanged to $8/head dearer. Heavy export lamb prices were firm to a few dollars dearer. Lambs 26-30kg sold from $191 to $220/head. Lambs over 30kg cwt sold from $216 to $254/head to average 715c/kg cwt.

It was a very mixed offering of mutton. A northern processors dominated the sale with other companies reluctant to chase the market. Heavy sheep sold to fluctuating price trends selling from $87 to $160/head. Trade sheep made from $55 to $88/head. Light sheep made gains of up to $20 selling at $40 to $58/head.