Hay Report - First frosted Crop Hay listing
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Hay & Fodder News
- Aug 02, 2023
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For the fortnight up to the 2nd of August 2023.
By Dwain Duxson
As I write this, we received our first Hay listing for a frosted Wheat Crop. See the listing here. The Crop is situated at Burcher, between West Wyalong and Condobolin (NSW). Let's hope it's not a sign of things to come for those with Crop in. Crop varieties are being bred for shorter seasons all the time, and along with that, Farmers seem to be sowing earlier and earlier. This combination widens the frost risk window. Hence the reason why we might see a bit of this in spots this season. Frosted Cereal Crops can make very good Hay, so it will be sought after.
We have wanted ads out there for buyers seeking new season Vetch Hay. They want to secure parcels now for pick-up when Baled. It's always fraught with danger as quality, and price is a bit of an unknown. This can lead to issues after it's been baled. But on the positive side, Producers know there is demand out there.
So we have a fair bit of action pre the new season. This is not unusual, and it's a good sign that there is some demand out there.
This last fortnight has been busier again than the previously reported fortnight. So currently, demand for Hay is probably at its highest point since the drought broke in March 2020. Hay has been shifting, but as outlined in previous reports, the quality isn't up to standard.
A few people I have spoken to who have been travelling around a bit are saying there is still plenty of Hay and Straw out there. From our conversations will Hay Producers, they are now very keen to quit the current stock to make way for any new stock. If they get caught with any, they will move it out of the Shed to make way for the new Crop.
It's dry in spots and getting dryer. Former staff member Jack Henshaw (near Kempsey, NSW) was talking to Shane (staff member) today and said it's got extremely dry in his area with the River dropping, and they are talking about cutting off Irrigation. The Hunter Valley area is extremely dry, and if other areas don't get rain soon, they can kiss goodbye to any Grass and Crop for 2023.
As we have mentioned previously, Livestock numbers are high due to Farmers breeding up and having to hold stock in the hope of better prices, which means there are plenty of mouths to feed. This is not ideal if you are all of a sudden running out of feed. Another fortnight without rain would see a few more areas looking at supplementary feeding options.
Our friends at Green and Gold Contracting (Matt & Vic Dohle) have entered a Car in the 2023 Variety Bash. It's a great cause, and you can donate through their Facebook page here. Get behind this one.
This year's Australia Fodder Industry Association Conference and Fodder Festival are on the 15th, 16th and 17th of August in Bendigo. Click here for more info.
What's happened to Hay prices over the last fortnight?
Prices, in general, haven't risen over the last fortnight despite the rise in demand.
There seems to be lots of Rolls on the move at the moment. Mainly moving around locally.
The small sample size of Lucerne Hay sales were around $400 a tonne.
Vetch Hay was consistently selling between $170 and $210 a tonne. A couple of better lines got as high as $275 a tonne.
Most Straw parcels are making between $80-$100 a tonne.
Prices haven't been as good for Cereal Hay as they were the previous fortnight. It would simply be a quality issue. Most Cereal Hay went for between $185 to $230 a tonne.
Good Clover Hay is making up to $290 a tonne.
Pasture Hay is making from $165 to $200 a tonne.
Silage prices range from $80 to $100 a Bale.
We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Salespeople have to say:
Paul Grayling - Mallee, Vic based
Paul said - This last fortnight has seen the continuing rise in enquiry and sales of Hay and Straw, Pricing hasn't lifted, but interest certainly has. We are seeing people's pricing expectations and buyer's budgets starting to marry up, which is giving growers a good opportunity to clear out and make room in the Shed for the upcoming season's stock, which will hopefully be much better quality than previous years. We are certainly due for a good quality Hay Season.
Shane Ruyg - Qld based
Shane said - Very active times for Hay and Straw at present, with enquiries and sales quite possibly being the busiest it has been for some time. I have just listed some 'Wanted Ads' for a large parcel of Barley Straw and also someone is looking to lock some new season Vetch Hay in before the rush starts later in the year.
Mike Pickard - On the road
Mike said - Plenty going on with the Hay side of things, with demand for Horse quality Hay far outstripping supply. Fair quantity of Hay is going up into Queensland to the Darling Downs, where the season is quite patchy in places. Some good smaller sales have been going to local Dairies within Victoria and the Riverina. There seems to be a bit of interest from Northern New South Wales in some Hay Gear, so this could lead to a little bit of Hay Production locally up there on some potentially frosted Crops.
Jim Oehms - Northern Country, Vic based
Jim said - Enquiry on Hay is picking up dramatically, and most is heading North to the dryer areas. The queries coming through are for larger quantities as well. A lot of the Hay moving is coming out of Victoria and SA. Transport and rates are key factors also.
End of message
For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or paulg@farmtender.com.au
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or shaner@farmtender.com.au
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or mikep@farmtender.com.au
Jim Oehms -- 0481 102 288 or jimo@farmtender.com.au
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)
Introducing Load Looper, the invention designed by Ian and Andrea Hamilton, who are Farmers at Tatyoon. Ian best describes how Load Looper works here. "Load Looper is a weighted ball device that attaches to a loading strap to carry the strap over the highest legal loads and simplify the loading process.
To watch a video on how it works or to buy Load Looper go to the website here.
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