Farm Tender

From generalist to specialist

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By Dwain Duxson

From generalist to specialist - Because of the nature and diversity of Agriculture as an industry, those of us involved tend to be more generalists than specialists. But we can graduate into more of a specialist once we work out our role.


We wrote a few months back about young people who have chosen Agriculture as their industry, and how they shouldn't worry about what they are doing as long as it's something within Ag. They will work out where they want to be in time. We elaborate here


I think it takes a while for many of us to work out exactly what we want to do and, after that, where to specialise or channel our energies to the things we enjoy doing. So I'd argue that it's better to be a generalist when young and work out later what you want to specialise in.


I am at the tender age of 53 and have done a wide range of things in Ag, and I have only just now worked out what I want to be doing for the rest of my time in this industry. So I will be starting something new (a side hustle) in the next couple of months, and you guys will be the first to know. So keep reading. Have you established what you want to specialise in yet?


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