Does Pork need a Wagyu moment?
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Farm Tender, DelayPay & Farm Inputs
- Mar 01, 2023
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Check out this speaker list - Chris Howie, Peter Law, Danny Thomas, Nigel Kerin, Prof Richard Eckard, Jess Cavanagh, Jeremy Hutchings, Ellen Garland, Leonie O'Driscoll, Vic Dohle, and Jeff McDonald. All these speakers will deliver so many takeaways for Farmers. The event is "The Business of Farming". Friday, March 3rd, 2023 in Bendigo, Victoria. For an agenda and to buy tickets, click here. See the flyer below.
By Dwain Duxson
Does Pork need a Wagyu moment? -- We buy some of our meat from the Supermarket and some from the Butcher, depending on which is the most convenient. My wife Paula usually handles that, so I'm thankful for what we get.
We have been noticing lately that the quality of the meat from the Supermarkets is getting better. They have lifted their game, and it would be affecting Butcher, I reckon.
I did go shopping at the Supermarket the other day and wanted to study the meat section to see what innovations were going on. The Lamb and Beef products look quite enticing, and the packaging has improved.
I couldn't help but notice that the Pork offering seemed a little bland. Don't get me wrong, I love Pork, but I'm sure its blandness in the meat case stops more people from selecting it above Beef or Lamb. Come to think of it, you rarely see it on restaurant menus these days. Does Pork need a Wagyu moment?
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