Farm Tender

Are we there yet?

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By Dwain Duxson

This article is by guest writer Kate Burke - Think Agri and author of Crops People Money and You.


Are we there yet? - This is a great article by Matt Dalgleish, from Episode 3, putting numbers on the lamb price correction that has rocked Sheep Producers across Australia.


What does this mean for individuals? Well, that depends. For sheep specialists, a lot of pain. The degree of impact will be highly individual for Cropping specialists who use Sheep as part of their Production system.


The questions I'll be asking those who ask me, "should we get out of sheep?" Will be these:


What do you have livestock for?

  • Weed control/crop rotation?
  • Risk spread?
  • Lowering cost of production?
  • Because we always have?
  • A different source of income?


What would you do differently if you didn't have sheep to serve that same purpose? What skills do you need to implement that change? How much income has been derived from Sheep vs. Cropping? Do you know your cost of production per Ha for the Sheep enterprise? What capacity do you have to ride it out? 


Feel free to use this line of questioning in your travels.


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