Farm Tender

A trusted source

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By Dwain Duxson

A trusted source We employed a media company to run all the audio, videoing, etc for our FarmTender2023 - The Business of Farming event and they did a great job. So much so that we have employed them again for the 2024 event, even though it's at a different venue. 


Because they did a great job, we didn't even bother looking elsewhere, even though we knew the cost was going to be higher because they have to travel further. They have become a trusted source.


As Farmers, when we find that trusted source, we very rarely look elsewhere. Farmers are very loyal people, as long as that trusted source is doing a good job or the right thing, it's pretty hard for that bond to be broken. It could be an Agent, Accountant, Agronomist, Sheep Classer, etc. Another example for us would be internet provider Starlink (read below). It's a far superior product to anything else for us "Bushies".


But f you aren't happy with any of your 3rd party service providers, make sure you look out for someone else, as their job is to help you make more than you pay them. They need to be bringing value, and plenty of it. With our media crew, it's something we now don't have to worry about, and that's of huge value to us.