A bounce for Mutton at Ballarat
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Nov 27, 2024
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Yarding: 60,709
Lamb numbers remained similar with over 41,000 drawn for. Quality improved over the lighter weights, there was more shape and cover through most categories and freshness in the skins. However, there is still a drop off in quality throughout the yarding which reflects on the results. All the usual buyers were on the rail and most were operating. Store buyers were slightly more active this week.
The market opened similar to a week ago, but bounced either side of firm throughout the sale. Lambs with good shape and freshness in the skins sold dearer while the plainer types at times were to $10 cheaper. Store lambs sold to $5 either side of firm, light trade sold $3 to $8/head better. Medium and heavy trade sold $2 to $6/head softer. Heavy export sold to $7 cheaper, with the top sale $290/head for shorn new season lambs. Lambs back to the paddock made from $7 to $141 and lambs to feed on made from $136 to $178/head.
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Light trade lambs under 18kg to suit MK orders sold from $100 to $158/head, averaging 660c to 755c/kg cwt. Trade lambs 18 to 22kg sold from $142 to $200/head, 22 to 26kg sold $194 to $252/head, with a wide average range of 850c to 890c/kg cwt. Heavy export lambs over 26kg made from $245 to $290/head, to average of 900c to 930c/kg cwt. Old lambs sold from $90 to $236 for the crossbreds, Merino lambs made from $38 to $140/head. Crossbred Hoggets made from $118 to $176 and Merino’s from $60 to $136/head.
Mutton numbers increased to 19,600 yarded. The market opened firm to a week ago then become erratic over the light and medium weight sheep, while the heavy and extra heavy sheep sold firm to $4/head stronger. Merino wethers made from $61 to $112 for the lighter weights selling $6/head dearer and over 24kg sold from $114 to $134/head selling firm to a few dollars better. Light weight Merino ewes made from $43 to $120, and the heavier weights made from $105 to $137 selling firm to $10/head stronger, one pen of ewes with a good length of wool made $160/head. Heavy crossbred mutton made from $95 to $137, selling firm to $5/head better and the lighter weights made from $43 to $100/head. Most mutton ranged from 390c to 450c/kg cwt.
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