Farm Tender

Little change in the Lamb and Sheep market at Ballarat

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Lamb numbers increased this week at Ballarat with 15,649 head yarded. There was an increase in the number of young lambs offered, with most presenting in good condition and plenty of weight in the top end. The usual buying group attended and operated in a generally unchanged market, a few dollars dearer in places on the better lambs. Heavy young lambs sold to $239 and old lambs reached $220/head.The general run of new season young trade weight lambs sold from $180 to $214/head to average 795c/kg cwt. Restockers and specialty feeders were active and paid from $140 to $199, with lighter lots selling from $95 to $120/head. They paid from $88 to $115 for lighterMerino wethers and paid to $151/head for Merino wethers returning to the paddock.

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Light weight 2-3 score young lambs sold from $139 to $150/head. Light trade 3 score lambs 18-22kg, sold from $143 to $180/head and averaged 790c/kg cwt. Medium trade weight 3-4 score lambs 22-24kg, sold from $180 to $196/head, ranging from 770c to 805c, to average790c/kg cwt. Heavy trade weight lambs 24-26kg, sold from $198 to $214/head. The export weight lambs 26-30kg sold from $215 to $233, with the few extra heavy lambs selling from $235 to $239/head. Medium and heavy weight old lambs predominately sold from $146 to$208/head and averaged 680c/kg cwt. Merino lambs reached $148/head. Heavy crossbred hoggets sold from $134 to $185, the Merino run sold from $105 to $133/head.

A big jump in sheep numbers saw 11,113 head yarded. Quality ranged from average to good, with all weights on offer. Not all the regular buying group attended or operated, with sheep continuing to sell to keen competition, especially the medium weight sheep. They sold a few dollars stronger, with heavy sheep easing a few dollars in places. Light weight 2 score sheep sold from $70 to $123/head and averaged575c/kg cwt. Medium weight 2-4 score sheep sold from $98 to $163/head and ranged from 520c to 685c, with the Merino mutton averaging around 620c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $153 to $206, heavy Merino wethers sold from $153 to $188, and the medium weight sold from $115 to $158/head. The heavy Merino sheep averaged 610c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred sheep sold from $135 to $194/head to average510c/kg cwt. Rams sold from $49 to $132/head

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